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Friday, March 12, 2010

Selfish Transvestite

This weird creature was born male but does not figuratively have "balls". It joins our PPTLP committee for his own personal gains. It has the natural instinct to say and do stupid things and wehn confronted, denies everything.
This creature (H) knows everyone on the committee hates it but still hangs on and refuses to resign. This creature has not one single contribution or portfolio to date. It comes when it likes to come and sits there like deadwood. When it opens its mouth, you can smell like something has farted in the room. (stink like hell) I think this creature has been anatomically mixed up. It has an arse hole for a mouth and eats shit daily.
We had a recent emergency meeting and at the end of the meeting this creature was lectured by all the other members present and as usual it spewed out lies as if it was having diarhoea of the mouth.
We should not get mad, we should get even. (soon)Atatck is thebest defense especially against such creature

1 comment:

  1. Why is this Ah Ee still in the committee for 2nd year. His face is thicker than an elecphant skin. Next time he opens his mounth, shut him out. Next meeting if this Ah Ee is around. just see him through, as if he did not assist.
