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Monday, July 20, 2009

It's so sad.......

I had the most unpleasant commitee meeting as far as i can recollect, seriosuly i dont and i wont blame anybody in that meeting to get angry or even furious with the committee, as everyone was entitled to one's opinion and the right to voice one's stand.

The only thing that i depise the most, is when somebody was trying to turn the common issue into personal attack, with i think is most unbecoming and totally unacceptable.

Unfortunately, on that particular meeting last night, i was singled out and bombarded with some unpleasant comments at me, simply because i embrace the different faith unlike the majority. I could have stood my ground, i could have retaliated but i knew it would be a total waste of time for me to do it.

At that point, i was just thinking, why cant the dissented party just accept the committee's decision that their project cannot be put through, simply because it was infringing some local housing rules, that's it and it was the committee's decision to overrule them and not because one stupid or smart alec of differenct faith trying to be funny.

I felt disturbed and deeply saddened by one particular comment that indicated that i was the trouble maker, or the hindrance to their project as some miscommunication earlier that giving them the signal it was ok to go for it.

I am seriously thinking if it worthwhile to continue to be part of the committee in contrubuting in whatever way i could for the betterment of the place we call home?

I believe the most lethal weapon that can really kill a person is the words uttered, and i dont wish to be the victim of such device.


  1. Prior to the actual discussion day the Committee
    had sat a day earlier and had agreed that the shrine had to be demolish. It was not your decision alone. Its a simple decision, you do not follow our Instruction, you have to demolish. Yes
    they can counter claim that clearance was given by the Chairman and yes I did, with conditions to abide. They got wind of these conditions and decided to launch their collection and start the Construction .It is usual of human nature to push the blame to others but themselves.So I galdly accept the blame game.

  2. I can't fine house rule's in the blog? Pls guide me...Thank WC

  3. Hi WC,
    Please proceed to the May blog. Its there.
